
Game Quest
The hag stands cackling at the cave entrance, her green, arthritic hands clasped gleefully tight.

On Capitalism and its Frankensteins
I’ve been rather distressed over the past two decades, watching our society driving, with increasing speed, towards a brick wall.

Hard Of
I think the phrase “hard of hearing” is rather fascinating. It doesn’t make any intuitive sense. While we can think of it in the sense of something having hardened and become less flexible, or in the sense of something having become hard to do, we don’t use this phrase in any other way.
Currently Serializing
The Wizard’s Attic
A young boy becomes secret apprentice to a gang of board-game obsessed wizards when he finds their secret lair hidden in the back room of the local comic book and hobby shop.
The Meatball
An under-employed, middle-age wannabe comic makes his last shot at fame by signing up to take part in a mysterious Japanese reality show.
Published Works
Read, preview or buy print & ebook copies of my published works:
The Red Fez

Novella. 2005
Out of Print

The Accounts
you may know about the Devil
who sits upon my shoulder
and the Angel
on my other
But let me tell you about
the Accountant who sits
behind his mahogany desk

A Good Day
One day
something happened
and the Reaper of Darkness called
in sick to work
Short Stories
accounting adventure games book review books death depression etymology fantasy fear fiction game development game quest good reads government regulation graphic novels hesistancy Hyperion inhibition kids books losing it middle grade nonfiction overcontrol rebirth reservation self-doubt silicon valley technology The Meatball the struggle is real The Wizards' Attic venture capital WIP words