
Writer. Sketcher. Wander.

I am the author of three books of fiction (Game Quest, Bad Attitude and Red Fez), two books of poetry (Poetaster, Zeus and the Giant Iced Tea) and innumerable finished and unfinished draft manuscripts I pray may see the light of day in the future.

I was the founder-programmer-grandfather of the long-standing literary journal, Red Fez from 2003 to 2022, publishing thousands of writers and poets over hundreds of issues.

Born in Calgary, Alberta, I currently live in its rival city, Edmonton. I hold a Masters of Information from the University of Toronto, a Bachelor of Advanced Communications from Simon Fraser University, and an Advanced Illustration Diploma from Sheridan College. When I’m not holding those, I’m probably holding a book, or my phone, unfortunately.

You can find more of my writing and art on facebook and instagram.

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