I can’t get a job because I have no experience. I have no experience, because I work at Electronics Pit.
Bad Attitude follows the story of Jesse Durnell, a nihilistic optimist, in his ongoing attempts to get fired from his current job as a Sales Associate for the retail giant Electronics Pit. Getting hired, that’s the hard part. Staying hired, now that’s easy. In the past year, since quitting his high profile office job, Jesse has decided to join wholeheartedly in what he calls “the kicking game”, the dog-eat-dog world of wage-slavery. Jesse battles secret shoppers, sales training, overeager coworkers and customers in his glorious quest to get kicked the most. When the time is up, he’ll move on to another McJob. After all, there are an unlimited supply of them! If life is a complete joke, he’d rather be near the punchline! Bad Attitude is a subversive romp through the modern day McJob, poking merciless fun at consumer culture, retail practices and the drive to succeed all the way.
100 pages